Traiecticia pecunia s.r.o.

Our company will advise you on citizenship programs through Caribbean investments. You are businessmen and family people traveling around the world, and we will make the whole process of obtaining a second citizenship as simple as possible for you.


Plan your path to internationality with:
Determining the Best Citizenship Program for You (Antigua and Barbuda page 2, St Kitts and Nevis page 1)
Assistance in the application and passing all necessary checks
Determining the safest investment program for you
Establishment of residency after obtaining citizenship
Complete your application
If you have problems with your application, quickly resolve them
Help with choosing the best Caribbean property for your citizenship application through investment
Talk about all the benefits of your second Caribbean citizenship, including travel, business, and education opportunities.
Provide perfect customer service
We also rent apartments for living in Prague and Karlovy Vary (page 3).