Residence Permit in the Czech Republic on the basis of lawful activity (business registration)

Basic information

In accordance with the established procedures Czech temporary residence permit is issued to EU citizens only. Sure, there is no necessary to purchase a temporary residence permit to EU citizens, but if they wish to stay for a longer period in a country for more than 3 months they obliged to apply for a Czech temporary resident permit. Such temporary residency is issued and for family members of EU citizens. Only EU citizens and their family members can apply for temporary residence permit in the Czech Republic directly.
The Czech laws do not provide the circumstance to get such temporary residence permit to citizens from the third countries. The only one option to them is to apply for the long-term visa that is valid for 6 months and then renew it in order to get the long-term residence permit for 1-2 years.

Procedure Details for Czech Residence Permit

You have a possibility directly to submit a filled application form to Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic for a long-term residence permit valid for 1-2 years, if :

1.You use the visa for no less than 90 days (3 months);
2. You are planning to stay all the visa allowed period in the Czech Republic (6 months);
3. Your purposes to stay and reside in the Czech Republic for a longer period do not changed.

In cases when You would like to apply to the Czech government institutions aiming to submit an application form for a long-term residence permit, but You have no visa or do not use a whole 90 days visa period being in this country You may submit such application form at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Your native country if Your basic purpose is:

2. Lawful activity (scientific researches, business);
3. Marriage with the citizen of Czech Republic;
4.You are a citizen of another EU country;
5. You have a Green Card, and etc.

Usually person is obliged to provide an application form not earlier as after purchasing of 90 days valid visa or before 14 days up to its expiration. If an application form is submitted at the Embassy of the Czech Republic applicant is obliged to participate in the interview with the Embassy officials. During the interview foreigner has to prove his serious intentions regarding the stay in the Czech Republic and the necessity seeking the issuance for a long-term Czech residence permit. The Embassy as a mediator among Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic and applicant also may ask for additional documents that are necessary in the process of general documents examination in order to accept a final decision. By non-submitting asking documents foreigner creates an assumption to reject his application by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic.
Other main reasons for rejection of an application form could be also false or wrong data of an applicant that not meet with the reality; person’s non-presence at the interview with the Embassy officials; applicant is declared as a persona non grata in the Czech Republic; there is existing a based risk that person may cause a real danger to the country’s national security as well as to public order; there are existing based allegations that applicant has a serious illness.